[ Mega Script Archive ] [ Frequently Asked Questions ] [ Countdown ]

  1. Can I add a return link to the Countdown Page?
  2. Can I in-line this into a current Web Page?

Can I add a return link to the Countdown Page?

You sure can! Here's how:

Find the subroutine which looks like:

   sub html_trailer {
      print "<hr>\n";
      print "It is currently $current_date\n";
      print "</center>\n";
      print "</body></html>\n";

Now, if you wanted to add a link to Matt's Script Archive, you would edi this to look like:

   sub html_trailer {
      print "<hr>\n";
      print "It is currently $current_date\n";
      print "</center><hr>\n";
      print "<a href=\"http://www.worldwidemart.com/scripts\">
             Matt's Script Archive</a>\n";
      print "</body></html>\n";

Notice that the quotes (") surrounding the URL have backslashes (\) in front of them. This is because you need to escape these characters when they are inside of a print ""; statement.

Obviously it should be very easy to figure out how to change this to fit whatever URL link you wish to include.

Can I in-line this into a current Web Page?

Yep! Only it takes a little more effort than the change shown in the previous question.

First, find the subroutine html_header which looks like:

   sub html_header {
      print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
      print "<html><head><title>Countdown to: $date_term</title>
      print "<body><center><h1>Countdown to: $date_term</h1>\n";
      print "<hr>\n";

Now, change this to:

   sub html_header {
      print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";

This gets rid of all of the html, body, head, center, and header tags. Now you will need to do a similar thing to the html_trailer subroutine. Change it from:

   sub html_trailer {
      print "<hr>\n";
      print "It is currently $current_date\n";
      print "</center>\n";
      print "</body></html>\n";

To contain no statements, like:

   sub html_trailer {

Now, all that the sript will output is the countdown time However, each time amount (year, month, etc.) will be separated by <br> tags. To change this, find the proper_english subroutine, and change all of the <br> references to ", " (without the quotes).

Now, all that is left is in-lining this into your web page. This requires the use of Server Side Includes. If you can use them, you will probably have to rename your file from filename.html to filename.shtml so the server knows to parse the file. Then include a reference like the following for your countdown to appear:

   <!--#exec cgi="/url/path/to/countdown.pl"-->

And it's as easy at that!

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